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How to work with patient-centred care in neurogenic bladder and bowel managament with a focus on clinical practice

Written by Wellspect HealthCare | Nov 30, 2021 3:20:32 PM

Today the third collaborative podcast episode between Wellspect and the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) is launched as part of our annual partnership. The episode is part of the ISCoS podcast series "SCI Care: What Really Matters". With this episode, we follow on from the recent webinar on the 'Importance of patient-centred care in neurogenic bladder and bowel management' and continue the discussion with a particular focus on clinical practice.

In this podcast the panelists discuss the advantages of patient-centred care in neurogenic bladder and bowel management, the importance of, and possible ways to improve adherence. They also discuss the practitioner's role in the patient's journey as they navigate how to live their life after a spinal cord injury. The panelists agree that the practitioner's role is to guide and educate the patient, to keep them part of their healthcare decision-making process and to include them in all steps in order to ensure goals will be realistic to the person's individual and specific needs.

The panelists this time include:
Mr Grant Friedrich, Clinical Relations Manager at Wellspect Healthcare in the US. Dr Ammirati, a Medical Doctor at the Complex Structure of Neuro-Urology of the Orthopedic Trauma Centre / Unipolar Spinal Unit of the "Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino" and Veronika Geng, Head of the Advisory Centre for Nutrition and Digestion for spinal cord injured people in Lobbach, Germany.