Wellspect News & Events

Mar is the voice of her users

Written by Wellspect Healthcare | Jan 28, 2022 6:51:00 AM

Looking for new challenges, Mar Garcia Torremocha joined Wellspect in 2018. Here she says she found a culture composed of people eager to explore and innovate in the pursuit of excellence. Only two years later, in January 2020, she won the sales award at the Wellspect Global Sales Meeting.  


Mar already had a commercial track record from working within marketing and sales for urological surgery when she joined Wellspect. But she wanted to develop her strategic skills and obtain more tools in the pursuit of excellence at work, so she supplemented her degree in advertising and public relations with an executive MBS at the ESIC Business & marketing School in Spain.

Innovation is part of every aspect of our work 
Her ambitious studies have served her well in her present role as Continence Consultant and Territory Sales Manager, providing support in various areas of the sales organization. As a sales representative, meeting my users and building deeper relationships with my customers inspires me to go that extra mile to deliver value, she says, and continues: Because an effective therapy with intermittent catheterization (IC) improves their lives.

I am listening to my customers every day and acting as the voice of our users

Innovation and proactivity are encouraged at Wellspect and help us make a real difference to our customers. Listening to my customers every day and acting as the voice of our users, I'm always looking to identify areas for improvement and develop specific, individual plans with concrete actions that will bring value. In addition, I also invest time researching new potential markets and channels through which more patients can benefit from the products and services we offer. I get creative, remembering that if you are looking for different results, do things differently. 

 We need to stay alert to meet the expectations of our customers.

There’s no greater satisfaction than knowing I’ve made a real difference 
My passion for my work comes from the joy I feel when I get positive feedback and learn that our products have changed someone’s life. For me there is no greater satisfaction than knowing that with my work, I contribute to making a real difference. And then there is the gratitude from a customer, thanking me for my efforts, which fills me with joy. I'm competitive, and this type of feedback motivates me to reach higher.

I would like to work with new initiatives that can improve our users’ lives 
I am proud to work for a company that enables those who need our high quality products and services to live the life they want. I want to share best practices on a global scale and continue generating value to our customers with activities for communities with a disability, especially within dance and sport. And contribute with feedback in the development of new products. 

It’s important to feel valued and appreciated.

For a professional, to feel valued and appreciated, surrounded by committed and genuine human beings that support my professional and personal development that is of the highest importance to me. Wellspect is my home, a place where I can be my true self!