Wellspect News & Events

Wellness + respect = Wellspect

Written by Wellspect HealthCare | May 1, 2020 7:00:00 AM

Did you know that behind the name Wellspect hides a long line of company names and proud innovations? 

From the original AB Sjukvårdsutensilier (founded in 1948 and translated as Medical Tools Inc) all the way to the globally known Astra Tech. Today, the company headquarters and manufacturing remain at the original site in Mölndal, outside Gothenburg on the Swedish west coast, with subsidiaries and sales offices all over the world.

However, with Dentsply’s purchase of the company from AstraZeneca in 2011, the name Astra Tech was changed to Wellspect. With a focus on people’s health and wellbeing, more specifically people’s most essential body functions, thoughts around the name naturally centered on wellness.

As our highest aspirations are to provide independence and confidence to people who use our products, the natural connection to feeling well was respect. Respect for people, for people’s needs and for people’s lives. Hence the brand name Wellspect.

The name Wellspect inspires and motivates us every day we go to work. And the response we receive from people who discover our products and get their lives back after years of frustration, sometimes even isolation, proves to us that what we do has a huge impact. We make a real difference.