The latest innovation from Wellspect will empower women to handle their everyday life in a whole new way. This time it’s a real game-changer. The new LoFric Elle is the world’s first catheter with an L-shaped handle. It is nothing less than a revolution in the world of female catheterization.
A new way of handling life
For decades, catheters have remained pretty much the same. Until now.
We gave a few samples of LoFric Elle to health care professionals and asked them about their first impression. Here’s what they say:
Carin Bergfeldt, Occupational Therapist, Sweden
The handle offers privacy and dignity. It restores a woman’s confidence. These things matter.
Jessica, Clinical lead/Continence service, UK
The length of the angulated handle is very good and will enable many different gripping possibilities for women with good, reduced or low dexterity, but also for women with differing strength capacities. LoFric Elle offers more possibilities to choose the best individual gripping solution and handling for each user.
Carin Bergfeldt, Occupational Therapist, Sweden
Want to know more about LoFric Elle? Complete the form to get more information about bladder dysfunction and female catheterization.