Movember – spreading awareness about prostate cancer

Movember is a charity driving awareness about men's health globally. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men with 1.3 million men diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. Movember is working towards a day where no man dies of prostate cancer. Here's their top 5 tips for Men's Health.


Men's Health

Movember is a global health charity addressing some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention. 

"Globally, men die on average six years earlier than women, and for reasons that are largely preventable. Which means that it doesn’t have to be that way: We can all take action to live healthier, happier and longer lives."

5 things men can do to lead healthier lives:

1. Spend time with people who make you feel good.

Stay connected. Your friends are important and spending time with them is good for you. Catch up regularly, check in and make time.

2. Talk, more.

You don’t need to be an expert and you don’t have to be the sole solution, but being there for someone, listening and giving your time can be life-saving.

3. Know the numbers.

At 50, talk to your doctor about prostate cancer and whether it’s right for you to have a PSA test. If you are of African or Caribbean descent or have a father or brother with prostate cancer, you should be having this conversation at 45. Know your numbers, know your risk, talk to your doctor.

Learn more about Prostate cancer  

4. Know thy nuts. Simple.

Get to know what’s normal for your testicles. Give them a check regularly and go to the doctor if something doesn’t feel right.

Learn more about Testicular cancer  

5. Move, more.

Add more activity to your day. Do more of what makes you feel good.

    • Take a walking meeting
    • Park further away from the station
    • Get off the bus a stop or two earlier
    • Instead of the lift, take the stairs
    • Cycle to work instead of driving

To learn more about Movember and how you can support and take part, visit:



Topics: Men's Health, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS), Benign Prostate Hyperplasia