Having participated in the London Marathon in 2007, where she raised funds for the Spinal Cord Injury Association, Bev Collins, a dedicated charity worker, was sent an advert about working with wheelchair rugby. That’s where it started.
Wellspect is the new partner of the International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF); we asked Fabio Raimondi, Paralympic basketball athlete and Wellspect ambassador, to interview Fernando Zappile, vice president of IWBF Europe and president of the Italian Federation Wheelchair Basketball (FIPIC).).
Topics: Sponsorship, IWBF, #wheelchairbasketball, parasports
During recent years, Wellspect has implemented several significant measures at their HQ in Mölndal, in order to reduce their energy consumption. In this interview, Magnus Hjalber, Senior Manager for Facilities Management, explains more.
Topics: Sustainability
From the World Health Organization, we learn that WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) are crucial to human health. In fact, close to a million people die each year as a result of lack of water, bad sanitation and poor hygiene. More than half of these are related to diarrhea from poor sanitation.
Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, Transanal irrigation (TAI), Neurogenic bladder, Neurogenic bowel, dignity, Clean Intermittend Catheterisation (CIC)
Global Med Tech company – Wellspect – halves their climate footprint and almost completely eliminates water consumption with their new updated coating process.