Our employees in Mölndal, Sweden, generously donated holiday gifts to less fortunate families in the Gothenburg area. Two big gift bags filled with presents, were delivered by our employees Anna and Linda to Julklappsvagnen.
This Holiday season we will support Göteborgs Stadsmission with grocery bags helping less fortunate families in the Gothenburg area. This will hopefully bring joy to Christmas and the holidays.
Topics: Sponsorship
The annual celebration of our Veterans in Mölndal, Sweden, will take place on November 10th.
We recognize employees that have worked within the company for 25 years for their valued long service and commitment. It will be an evening down memory lane accompanied by music, friendship and dinner.
Topics: Career
To encourage and support employees involved in voluntary children and youth activities we sponsor different activities. We are now eagerly waiting to see which youth activities we will sponsor this year.
The application period has ended and the jury will soon make their decision.
Stay tuned, more to come in the coming weeks!
Topics: Sponsorship