Every 8 hours, someone has their life changed forever through spinal cord injury, in the UK.
Gender, gender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age are not the base for our recruitment, employment, salary, development and career. Instead we like to create an innovating and inspiring workplace so we can be successful and competitive. Equality and diversity is important for us and this is the reason why we are proud partners of the West Pride Festival in Gothenburg, during June 8th to 12th.
Topics: West Pride Festival
The annual congress ESPU will take place June 22-25th in Harrogate, UK.
Wellspect HealthCare will exhibit with a stand and sponsor the ESPU Nurses program with an Opening Course.
Topics: European Association of Urology Nurses (EAUN), Congresses and events, European Society for Paediatric Urology (ESPU)
We like different and different is good! Today it is World Down Syndrome day and we joined the Swedish initiative “Rocka Sockorna” - Rock the socks. For every employee that wore non-matching socks we contributed with money to the Swedish Down Syndrome Association.
Meet Marcus Gallo-Marchiando, Manager Production Support, and find out how his team worked together to make the maintenance organization more efficient.