Diversity and inclusion are important objectives of our company and fundamental to our culture and core values - a vision for a company inspired by openness and empathy. A company that recognizes and values its diversity will thrive.
The latest innovation from Wellspect will empower women to handle their everyday life in a whole new way. This time it’s a real game-changer. The new LoFric Elle is the world’s first catheter with an L-shaped handle. It is nothing less than a revolution in the world of female catheterization.
Topics: Women's health, Bladder dysfunction, LoFric
Three days of inspirational meetings, discussions and seminars have come to an end.
Photo left (from left to right): Debbie Green (SCI Nurses organization), Maria Lennerås, PhD (Wellspect), Randi Steensgaard and Line Trine Dalsgaard (last year’s winners accepting the prize for the 2019 winner, Malin Nordin).
Photo Right (from left to right): Maria Lennerås, PhD (Wellspect), Randi Steensgaard (last year’s winner).
Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS), Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS), Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Meet us at ISCoS in Nice! As proud bronze sponsor of the 58th ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting, Wellspect welcomes you to join us in Nice, 5-7 November 2019.
Topics: International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS)