In 2019, Wellspect launched a new urinary catheter for women; LoFric Elle. What is so unique about LoFric Elle and why does she make real difference? Well for starters, it has been developed by women, for women and with sustainability in mind throughout every step of the process. Sara Tronarp, Project Manager and Susanne Lindholm, Global Product Manager explains in further detail.
Topics: dignity, Lofric Elle, Urology
From the World Health Organization, we learn that WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) are crucial to human health. In fact, close to a million people die each year as a result of lack of water, bad sanitation and poor hygiene. More than half of these are related to diarrhea from poor sanitation.
Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, Transanal irrigation (TAI), Neurogenic bladder, Neurogenic bowel, dignity, Clean Intermittend Catheterisation (CIC)
Toothpaste tube, butterfly openings and spiral indents. Many creative ideas were tested and rejected during the development of our brand-new female catheter. But one idea outperformed them all – and has been refined to perfection. This is the story of LoFric Elle!
Topics: Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC), Women's health, Bladder dysfunction, dignity