How to become independent: Debora can face new challenges thanks to IC and TAI

Since her motorcycle accident, Debora's only desire has been to return to being independent and continue working on her projects. She faced the life-changing circumstances with great determination and soon began to practice emptying her bladder with IC (intermittent catheterization) and TAI (transanal irrigation). Debora tells us about her experience and how she managed to turn her life around.


In 2016 Debora had a motorcycle accident, causing damage to two vertebrae – changing her life suddenly and radically.

I woke up in Motta di Livenza in resuscitation. From the very start, I stopped thinking about how I was before; my only thought was to move on and never lose faith or become demoralized. I had no difficulty asking for help when I needed it, on the contrary; it became normal, as if it had always been that way.

During her stay she never stopped making plans for the future:

While I was in bed in the hospital, TV was airing a special item about Australia, and I said: 'Doctor, that's where my next trip will be. I want to go back to travelling.'

Right from the start, Debora dedicated herself wholeheartedly to her rehabilitation. Despite the great effort required, day after day she always managed to make new progress, always keeping in mind her ultimate goal of going back to being independent. She soon began practicing intermittent catheterization and later TAI, in order to becoming even more independent. Debora tells us about her journey:

Together with the nurses of the department and the product specialist Fabiola, we started trying out TAI, an innovative therapeutic solution that involves the use of an electronic control unit.

At first it wasn't easy, I had to do it every 2 days but it wasn't enough, I couldn't empty my bowels completely. Bowel management was difficult, and I decided to give up. I talked to the doctor about it, who disapproved of my abandoning the therapy and explained that it takes some time before you find the right bowel routine. Even the product specialist, who constantly gave me support – especially during the first important months – advised me to resume, explaining how the first period is the most crucial for the bowel to adapt and that many people encounter the same difficulties. So I decided to try again, this time listening to the needs of my body. Then I started doing it every day and that became the turning point!



Now every morning after breakfast I use Navina and I don't want to be without it. It means I know I'll last all day without

having to worry about something embarrassing happening.

I would like to say one thing to all of you who are approaching therapy for the first time: don't be afraid, don't get discouraged. At first, I couldn't get water out, the balloon came out, or I couldn't evacuate. Now everything has become automatic and it would be unthinkable not to use it. I also tried to use TAI with a manual device, but I felt less confident. I trust in the electronic system, because if I would do something wrong the system stops automatically. One last very important thing: don't be afraid to ask Wellspect product specialists who will always be available to provide their support.

Debora has yet to tell us how she succeeded with her travel plans:

I haven't been to Australia yet - in January we preferred the heat of the Maldives. But it will happen!

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Topics: Bowel management, Transanal irrigation (TAI), Bladder management, Navina Smart, LoFric, Spinal injury, Catheterisation