From nurse to patient – my experience of Spinal Cord Injury

A keen horse rider and experienced nurse, Sallyanne Haigh has found herself on the other side of healthcare provision when she sustained a Spinal Cord Injury from falling from her horse.

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Topics: Neurogenic bladder, Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Intermittent Catheterization

Common female bladder problems

Far too many women have urinary problems. In fact, 50 % of all women in the world will get urinary tract infection at least once in their lives*. Less frequently talked about, but just as common is leakage or incontinence.

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Topics: Women's health, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS), Urinary incontinence, Intermittent Catheterization

Is it true that you can’t have a relationship if you catheterize?

Read about 17-year old Evie and her take on the myths surrounding urological problems and catheterization.

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Topics: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Bladder dysfunction, Intermittent Catheterization

Loss of function = loss of dignity?

There’s always a measure of uncertainty when you visit the doctor. You put your fate in someone else’s hands and might feel vulnerable, especially if the topic is a bit embarrassing. We asked catheter users from Germany, Italy and Sweden how they experience living with urinary issues and frequent doctor visits.

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Topics: Bladder dysfunction, Intermittent Catheterization, dignity