After a devastating jump into a swimming pool on his vacation trip in Greece, Michael Kerr injured his spine and came to understand that his paralysis came with consequences other than he could have imagined.
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Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, Neurogenic bladder, Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Neurogenic bowel
The vacation trip to Greece took a sudden turn when Michael dived into a swimming pool and hit his head on the bottom. He was badly injured but found an unexpected way back into living life.
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Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, Neurogenic bladder, Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Neurogenic bowel
Having shared with you my first experience of catheterization, I want to tell you what it was like when I performed Transanal Irrigation myself for the first time.
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Topics: Transanal irrigation (TAI), Neurogenic bladder, Neurogenic bowel, Bowel dysfunction, Multiple Sklerose (MS)
Do you remember your first time? When you first picked up a catheter to empty your bladder? I can still remember it clearly – as if it were yesterday.
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Topics: Bladder and bowel interaction, Neurogenic bladder, Intermittent Catheterization, Multiple Sklerose (MS)
Worse bladder symptoms often mean worse bowel symptoms. Yet they are rarely addressed together, despite the evidence for better clinical outcomes and significant improvements in quality of life.
Lee, 30, living with MS
Read MoreTopics: Bladder and bowel interaction, Bowel dysfunction, Bladder dysfunction, bowel disorder, Multiple Sklerose (MS)