Take it easy—take TAI

S**t happens! It’s an expression many of us use when life presents unexpected and unwanted situations.
But for some of us ”s**t happens” literally is a dream come true... If you can control it.

In my previous blog  post, Searching for a bowel therapyI shared my story of how desperately I needed a bowel regime that would make me feel safe.
My Spinal Cord Injury had caused loss of control of my bowel and that had a huge impact on my social and business life. 

But now I have found my bowel therapy... Continue to read and I will tell you all about it!

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Topics: Bowel management, Transanal irrigation (TAI)

Searching for a bowel therapy

"A motorcycle accident. A car tried to make a U-turn on a bridge, just meters ahead of me. The crash was unavoidable. The result was a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Two weeks later I found myself in a hospital bed, crying and stinking…"

These are the words of Kent Revedal, whose life was turned upside down in a second, a few years ago. His story is valuable for everyone, but if you suffer from a similar injury, or similar bowel problems due to an injury or illness, you will find comfort in reading his blog posts. 

We are very happy to present Kent Revedal, CEO at CercaDeTi Rehab and author of the book Smällen (The Crash), as our new guest blogger. And at this very moment you are reading his first post written exclusively for this blog!

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Topics: Transanal irrigation (TAI)