6 tips and tricks to succeed with Transanal Irrigation (TAI)

”As easy as one, two, three...” Everywhere we hear or see commercials about technical things. We hear that it's so easy, almost intuitive. What many of us have learned – sometimes the hard way is that if it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true... Some things need to take time and practise.


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Topics: Transanal irrigation (TAI), Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

2 experts: How to increase compliance in transanal irrigation (TAI)

One of the biggest issues with transanal irrigation (TAI) is that many users quit too early – before the therapy had a chance to be effective.

We asked two experts to share their views on this topic – this is the summary of their talks.

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Topics: Transanal irrigation (TAI)

What is Transanal Irrigation?

It can be difficult to find a regular toilet routine if you suffer from chronic constipation or fecal incontinence. Some people are constantly afraid of public accidents or literary spending hours in the bathroom. 

Mikey was one of them until he found the solution to his bowel problems – transanal irrigation (TAI). This blog post will give you an insight!


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Topics: Bowel management, Transanal irrigation (TAI)

User perspective of TAI: Lack of knowledge among healthcare professionals is causing needless suffering

Our user panel TellUs gives us a lot of useful information. For example that 82% of the people with Spinal Cord Injury have problems with their bowel. But there is still a stigma attached. Only 29% of the panel members were asked about their bowel by a healthcare professional, while 68% wanted to be asked... Sometimes the knowledge is poor, and sometimes it's just hard to get over the embarrassment.

Our guest blogger Kent Revedal has a clear stand on this matter - this is his direct plea to the healthcare professionals out there!

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Topics: Transanal irrigation (TAI), Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

5 arguments for Transanal Irrigation (TAI)

When a nurse showed me a TAI system for the first time I was sure it wasn’t for me. It involved water, tubes, catheters and a pump. I could picture how messy it would be, and disgusting. Brown water, constant maintenance, constant aggravation...
No thank you.

But one can change... 

My history has been shared in earlier blog posts: Searching for a bowel therapy and Take it easy—take TAI. If you haven’t read them, feel free to read them first to understand my original circumstances.

And you should definitely continue to read this one about me becoming a TAI advocate!

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Topics: Bowel management, Transanal irrigation (TAI)